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‘Lust’ by Mr. G.S.P. Dhas (9th December, 2018)

Mr. G.S.P. Dhas preached from 1 Corinthians 6:11-20. His theme was 'Lust'. Lust in its neutral sense just means Intense desire. The origin o

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Billy Graham – Who is my neighbor?

Listen to this wonderful message by Dr. Graham on Who is my neighbor from Tacoma, WA. Be blessed.

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JESUS Restores and Nourishes our life

Ruth 4:15 And may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age… Famine impoverished the life of Naomi, an Israelite

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God So Loved – Hillsong Worship

God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Sin that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Watch this e

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‘The Presence of God’ by Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani (2nd December, 2018)

Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani preached from Exodus 33:12-16. His theme was 'Presence of God'. There are 3 things we need to note here: a) The Condit

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‘Meddling with God’s Word’ by Rev. B.N. Satpathy (2nd December, 2018)

Rev. B.N. Satpathy preached from Genesis 3:1-6. His theme was 'Meddling with God's Word'. The Word of God is Eternal and it stands forever. It nev

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Baptisms in 2018

The Baptisms take place in the first Sunday of the month in Church of Christ (Union Church). We have no Baptisms at C.S. Pur, Kalinga Vihar and

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