Thank you for visiting our website!
We greet you and welcome you to our new website with a brand new look and new features.
Hope you like it and feel at home. Our website was launched on January 24, 2015 as . Due to some technical glitch, the website had to be reconstructed all over again. I am greatly delighted to learn that our website has been visited and sermons posted on youtube have been heard by a good number of people from at least 35 different nations.
It is quite encouraging and overwhelming that many lives are being touched and transformed through online sermons. This gives us a great sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in the Lord and propels us to toil even harder and stronger for the cause of Christ.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for taking time to visit our website.
We are also the 1st Church in Odisha to have our own mobile Church app in all 3 platforms (Android & Iphone).
Our new website is created with much prayer and serious purpose and is geared towards catering to the needs of our believers and people at large by featuring updates on all the church activities and special programmes beginning from Sunday worship to bible study to baptism, prayer meetings (weekly/monthly), women’s fellowship, youth fellowship, Sunday school, and Christian Endeavour. Just about everything is featured. We have activities going through the week days. We pray and hope our website serves its intended purposes.
We, as body of Christ, envision to accomplishing three fold purposes of the local Church – Worship, Fellowship, and Witnessing in and around our city and beyond.
Church of Christ is composed of individuals and families who have discovered meaning and purpose for living through a personal relationship with Jesus as Savior and Lord. Some of us have been in this church for decades while some have just become a part of this congregation in recent weeks. We strive to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to the community and the world, equip members by teaching the word of God in its authority and entirety with accurate interpretation depending on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be rooted and grounded in the word of God for the ministry, encourage and promote Christ-like maturity, love and fellowship in order to glorify God in all aspects of life.
You will especially enjoy the heart touching and meaningful songs of worship through our worship team.
Any time you are in the city looking for a church to worship and fellowship, look no further, just drop by our church which is closest to the railway station and air port. We welcome people from all walks of life and all backgrounds. It will be an honor to meet and know you and your family when you visit us. Soli Deo Gloria! (Glory to God).
May God Bless you richly!
Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani
Senior Pastor