There is a whole day Chain Prayer held in the Church for the worshipers to come and spend time at the feet of the Lord Jesus. There are different issues on which the people of God pray for and God answers prayers. It’s a time of fellow shipping with the Lord. Never forget, a believer on his knees has more power on his little index finger than all the powers of hell. Today, Churches need to be on their knees if they want the lost saved! Prayer and only Prayer brings power in a believer’s life to accomplish what God wants: it is to win souls for JESUS. In Acts 2:42, we see the secret of the early Church – “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayer.” It’s not about Praying. It’s about continuing…steadfastly, in Prayer…come every 2nd Saturday and let us join hands to pray for the needs of the people, pray for the Salvation of those people who do not even know the Lord Jesus. Our Associate Pastor Rev. B.N. Satpathy is the Convenor of Prayer Committee who gives the slots to the various Prayer groups.
Since April 2017, the Church Board decided to have the timings of the Chain Prayer Meeting changed. We are having a Fasting/Chain Prayer from 7 am till 12 pm. Do join us when you are free.
Pray and be blessed…