Morning Prayer meets @ 7 am (Mon-Sat)
Every morning from Monday through Saturday, there is morning Prayer in our Church from morning 7-8 AM. Only on Sundays, there is no morning Prayer. Few worshipers come everyday and pray for others needs and also for the State and the nation. Even Jesus set an example for us as He used to pray early in the morning to His Father in Heaven. As a Church, the importance of Prayer is utmost in these days, because as a believer, we are going to face difficult days in future. We need the power from above to face trials and that power we can receive only when we are on our knees and pray. God’s servant D.L. Moody said like this: “He who kneels the most, stands the best.“
We encourage you as a congregation please make yourself available to this morning Prayer whenever it is convenient for you. Rev. B.N. Satpathy is the convenor of this Prayer group. Both our Pastors, deacons and other members of the Church share God’s Word in this Prayer time. Those who come here regularly are thoroughly blessed.