(+91 ) 9437400283


Church of Christ (Union Church) is divided into 14 different prayer zones spreading across the city. These Prayer zones are managed by Prayer Coordinators in their respective areas. Every Thursday evening @ 7 PM, prayer meetings are held in different families in their respective zones. It is a time of fellowship among people living in a particular area. There is worship, time for testimonies, meditating God’s Word and prayers offered for the various needs of others. Speakers are invited by the Prayer Coordinators in advance as they make a list for every 3-6 months. Please do tune up with your respective zone Coordinators and kindly make it convenient to visit these Prayer meetings whenever possible. The usual Worship pattern in these Prayer Meetings is:

a) 1st 15 minutes – Praise & Worship through songs

b) 2nd 20 minutes – Word of God

c). Last 20-25 minutes – Devoted to Prayer. 

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