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Touched and healed by His Grace

Healed by His Grace


My name is Ralph Bryun. I am from Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. I am 49 years old. I want to glorify Jesus and Jesus alone through this testimony. Being born and brought up in a christian family, I lived a nominal christian life. I never truly knew the love of God in my life. 4 years back, while driving on a highway here, I met with a serious car accident. My car lost control and hit a speeding truck. The vehicle turned upside down at speed before coming to a screeching halt. I was unconscious and taken to the hospital. My senses returned in a few hours, but I had severe pain in my back. After the initial scan nothing much was diagnosed, but after thorough MRI and other scans; the doctors revealed that I have multiple fractures on my lumbar spine (L1-L2, L4-L5 & L5-S1). Even though I was saved by the Grace of God as none could have survived that crash at such a high speed. That incident somehow helped me to slowly start believing in God. But, even after 4-5 months of this incident, the pain was still there and now even more. I was limited in my moments and had excruciating pain in my lower back. Even if I bent slightly too, I would be confined to bed rest for nearly 2-3 weeks as the pain would be unbearable. I started working from my home, but couldn’t really concentrate on anything in life. My family, my kids were in agony too as they were unable to see me going through such horrible pain. Doctors treated upon me and had a surgery too, but the pain just kept on and on. Many times, I felt like dying as I was living a life dependent on others. Doctors were clueless too as to why it took so long to heal!

Last week on 4th March 2018, I got a link on my phone to a website. It was sent by my friend from Mumbai, India. He just asked me to click on the link and watch the video. He used to pray for my healing quite often. That night, he said, please watch this message from beginning to end and then call me up; we shall pray in faith. I just followed what he said. As I listened to this message titled, ‘His Grace Transforms’, it was about a man healed after 38 long years in the pool of Bethesda, which meant house of mercy. When the speaker said, God knows your past; he knows your present and he also knows about your future; that really touched me. I began to listen to this message and when it ended, I had tears in my eyes and I was praying and said, Lord, if you can heal that man in that pool who was there for 38 years, can’t you heal me? I called up my friend and shared with him. He said, let’s pray in faith. I know the healing has already started in Jesus’ name. My wife too joined in the prayer and I felt something go through my body that moment. I slept that night with joy in my heart. The next day, as I was coming to the breakfast table, my phone slipped out of my hand. Immediately, I bent forward to pick it up. My wife and kids rushed and they said, why you did this! You will have severe pain on your back. I got up; there was no pain on my lower back. This was impossible for me if I did that before the previous night. I went to the doctors and got the necessary scans for thorough examination. They gave me positive report. Praise God.

For the glory of God I am saying this, since last Sunday night (4th March) till today (10th March), I have had no pain in my lower back. My Savior, my Jesus has healed me completely. I truly thank your church for this most wonderful website that you have on net. I trusted, I believed and by His Grace, I was healed totally. Please pray for me that this pain will never again come back in my life. God bless your church and the website for spreading the Gospel of Grace and Hope to many like me across the globe.

Ralph Bryun | South Africa

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