This is Peter from Helsinki, Finland. I am writing this to glorify Jesus. Born and brought up in a Christian family, being a good Christian for many years, I began to wander away from my faith. I had this company of friends who tempted me with the worldly pleasures and finally I succumbed to it. I developed some really bad habits which I don’t even want to mention. One night, I and my friends decided to go on a real wild night out. We drank to the full and we went to the best night clubs to have fun with women. We knew we were cheating our spouses; but I was so much full of worldly cravings, I didn’t knew what I was doing. Then one night as I was browsing through You tube, I came across this name cocbhubaneswar. My curiosity grew and I browsed the site. I saw many sermons uploaded on the site and I visited your Church website too. As I browsed through the videos, I came across one video. It really touched me. It opened my mind and heart to the sobering thought what I was doing in my life! I knew I was deep in Sin. There were 2 things that really touched me from that sermon. It was about fleeing from Temptation as Joseph did in the Bible and not being carried away by the pleasures of this world, which are momentary. It also taught me to be grounded in my faith in Christ and not to have pride of heart that will lead me nowhere.
I gave my heart to Christ that very moment. I repented truly and I confessed with my wife too. She kept silent, but later she forgave me for all the wrongs I committed. I downloaded that message and one fine evening, I called all my friends who led me astray from God, I made them listen to this message. 4 of them gave their heart to Jesus Christ and they have left the ways of the world. I am taking them to the local Church here and they have started believing in Christ. I Praise God for your Church for this noble endeavour of putting up these messages on youtube for people like me who was headed towards hell fire. I Praise God for pulling me out of the mire at just the right time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for uploading this message.