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C.E. Union Devotion @ 7 pm (04-08-2020)

#cocucworshipfromhome #ceunion #devotion Rev. Songram K. Singh is preaching in the C.E. Union Devotion on the theme 'Do not be hearers only, bu

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Bible Study @ 7 pm (05-08-2020)

#cocucworshipfromhome #biblestudy #BookofRevelation Rev. Songram K. Singh is taking this Bible study session on the Book of Revelation. This is

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Monday (Weekly Prayer) @ 7 pm (03-08-2020)

#cocucworshipfromhome #prayerservice #MondayPrayer Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani is sharing a short devotion from Psalm 139:5-10 on the theme 'The H

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‘Loneliness’ by Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani (Odia Worship), 02-08-2020, (LS)

#cocucworshipfromhome #sundayworship #odiasermon Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani is sharing God's Word from Matthew 28:18-20 on the theme 'Loneliness'

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‘Lay hold of Eternal Life’ by Rev. Songram K. Singh (English Worship), 02-08-2020 (LS)

#cocucworshipfromhome #sundayworship #englishsermon Rev. Songram K. Singh is sharing God's Word from 1 Timothy 6:6-12 on the theme 'Lay hold of

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Sunday School @ 8 am (02-08-2020)

 #cocucworshipfromhome #sundayschool #children Rev. Songram K. Singh is sharing God's Word to the precious children this morning. Please do e

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Battling Negativity | WEB SERIES | Episode 6 | Staying Positive | Sandeep Kumar

There are many who are unable to cope with this Pandemic as it is taking a heavy toll on them. We do not need more self-confidence; but we need to

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Mahila Samiti Devotion @ 4 pm (01-08-2020)

#cocucworshipfromhome #ladiesfellowship #mahilasamiti Rev. Songram K. Singh is sharing from Exodus 2:1-10. The theme of his message is focused

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Battling Negativity | WEB SERIES | Episode 5| Financial Insecurity | Rev. Sandeep Kumar Giri

Financial Insecurity is a manifestation of self-worth problem. Today, many are going through a financial crisis across the globe due to the effect

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Battling Negativity | WEB SERIES | Episode 4| Losing your Loved Ones | Paresh Das

Many people have lost their loved ones during this Pandemic. Death is one of the most hated word across the world. When we lose our loved ones, it

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