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“Reigning Faithful King” by Rev. Shekhar Isaac (12-04-15)

He spoke on Psalm 146:1-10. His Sermon title – “Reigning Faithful King.” He is not only a faithful God, but

“Lord of the Harvest” by Rev. Shekhar Isaac (12-04-15)

He spoke on Luke 5:1-11. His Sermon title – “Lord of the Harvest.” Be blessed.

“The Glories of Christ” by Mr. Richard Masih (Easter Odia), 05-04-15

In his last message of Passion Week – 15, bro. Masih spoke on the glories of Christ. 1. Glory of

“Resurrection of Christ” by Mr. Richard Masih (Easter English), 05-04-15

Bro. Masih spoke on the Resurrection of Christ: (Matthew 28:1-10). 1. His Resurrection was prophesied by the Holy Spirit. 2.

“Blood of Christ” by Mr. Richard Masih (Holy Saturday Service), 04-04-15

Bro. Masih spoke tonight about the Blood of Christ: What does the Scripture say about the Blood of Christ??? First,

“Quite time with GOD” by Mr. Richard Masih (Special Women’s meet), 04-04-15

Bro. Masih spoke on having a quiet time with God in the Special Ladies meeting. The best way to have

“Cross of Christ” by Mr. Richard Masih (Good Friday Odia), 03-04-15

Bro. Masih spoke on the Cross of Christ this Good Friday afternoon. What did the Lord achieve through the Cross? a.

“Sacrifice of Christ” by Mr. Richard Masih (Good Friday English), 03-04-15

This morning, Bro. Masih spoke on the Sacrifice of Christ. The Bible says clearly, without the shedding of blood, there

“Sufferings of Christ” by Mr. Richard Masih (Maundy Thursday), 02-04-15

Bro. Masih spoke extensively into the sufferings of Christ. The 5 things that the Scripture tells us clearly are: 1.

“Sufferings of Christ” by Mr. Richard Masih (Spy Wednesday), 01-04-15

Bro. Masih continuing his message on the Sufferings of Christ. 1. His sufferings were prophesied in the OT. 2. His

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