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“He Restores my soul” by Rev. Ayub Chhinchani (01-03-15)

Rev. Ayub Chhinchani spoke on the theme: “He Restores my soul.” The Scripture portion was Psalm 23. Be Blessed.

“Song of Praise” by Rev. Samuel Somalingam (22-02-15)

Rev. Samuel Somalingam spoke from Psalm 100. His theme was on Worship from this Psalm, known as the Song of

“Leave, Go” by Rev. Samuel Somalingam (22-02-15)

Rev. Samuel Somalingam spoke from Genesis 12:1-3. His theme was “Leave and then Go”. Unless we leave our past, our

“Women’s Retreat – Final session” by Rev. Niranjan Turuk, (17-02-15)

Rev. Niranjan Turuk spoke in this final session and challenged the ladies to live for Christ whole-heartedly. God bless all

“Women’s Retreat – 1st Session” by Rev. Niranjan Turuk, 17-02-15

Rev. Niranjan Turuk spoke this morning to the ladies and encouraged them to live for Jesus and be Praying mothers

“Morning Devotion” by Rev. Ayub Chhinchani (Special Women’s Meet), 17-02-15

Our Associate Pastor Rev. Ayub Chhinchani spoke to the ladies in his morning devotion and started the Retreat with a

“Look into His Faithfulness” by Rev. Ayub Chhinchani (15-02-15)

Rev. Ayub Chhinchani spoke from Joshua 1:1-9. His theme was “Look into His faithfulness”. Enjoy this message.

“Living Epistles” by Mr. Binoy Kumar Muduli (15-02-15)

Mr. Binoy Kumar Muduli spoke from 1 Corinthians 3:1-6. His theme was “Living Epistles”. Are we living our lives as

“4 Spiritual stages in a Believer’s life” by Mr. Sushil Deep (08-02-15)

Mr. Sushil Deep spoke from 2 Kings 2:1-14. His theme was “4 Stages in a Believer’s life.” Enjoy this message.

“Resurrection of Christ” by Dr. Tanmay Pramanik (08-02-15)

Dr. Tanmay Pramanik spoke from 1 Corinthians 15:17 and John 20:24-30. His theme was “Resurrection of Christ.” Listen to this

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