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‘Do not grieve the Holy Spirit’ by Rev. Songram Keshari Singh (6th October, 2019)

Rev. Songram Keshari Singh preached on the theme 'Do not grieve the Holy Spirit' from Luke 12:1-10. Take a listen to this message. Be blessed.

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‘3 mistakes Elimelech & Naomi did’ by Mr. Swarup Singh (6th October, 2019)

Mr. Swarup Singh preached on the theme '3 mistakes Elimelech and Naomi did' from Ruth 1:1-5. Their 3 mistakes were: Unbelief: Not trusting on t

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What is Your Purpose? Christian Motivational Video

My God did not brought you into this world to exist; He brought you to live. Watch this lovely video on what your purpose in life is!

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