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“Prepared to meet GOD!” by Dr. Anup Samantaray (10th September, 2017)

Dr. Anup Samantaray preached from Hebrews 9:27,28. His theme was 'Are you prepared to meet the Savior!' Are you living a life of Witness/are yo

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“God’s Promised Rest” by Rev. Bijoy Kumar Das (10th September, 2017)

Rev. Bijoy Das preached from Hebrews 3:7-19. His theme was 'God's Promised Rest'. Three things we need to understand from this passage: They are -

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TLT Trains Leaders in Nigeria

Lenean leo vene quam. Pellntes ique ornare sem eius modte venenatis vestibum. Cras mattis itugir purus. Aenean le vene quam. Pellntes ique ornare seei

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