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Yahweh Yeshua or Satan – Joshua 24:15 – Billy Graham

Please read the following words will change your life forever... "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoeve

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Billy Graham Road to Armageddon

Powerful message on the perversion of the last days by Billy Graham.

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Billy Graham Warning Against Idolatry

Billy Graham sermon Warning Against Idolatry - From 1979. Watch this. Be blessed.

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Billy Graham’s-Straight talks on the Problems of Youth

Watch this powerful message on the problems faced by youths.

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Billy Graham: Technology, faith and human shortcomings

http://www.ted.com Speaking at TED in 1998, Rev. Billy Graham marvels at technology's power to improve lives and change the world -- but says the

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Billy Graham short clip, My Hope

Billy Graham - An abbreviated clip of My Hope. Edited by Joe Griffin. Watch this video. It will be a blessing.

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Billy Graham Loneliness part 3 of 3

The greatest loneliness experienced was by Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane...yet, alone...He made that decision. To die on the cross...alone.

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Billy Graham Loneliness part 2 of 3

The greatest loneliness experienced was by Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane...yet, alone...He made that decision. To die on the cross...alone.

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Billy Graham Loneliness part 1 of 3

The greatest loneliness experienced was by Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane...yet, alone...He made that decision. To die on the cross...alone.

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