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‘Biography on the life of Moses’ by Mr. Rajpati Pani, (16th December, 2018)

Mr. Rajpati Pani preached on the theme ‘Biography on the life of Moses’. The Scripture portion was taken from Acts 7:23,30 & 36. There are 3 phases in the life of Moses we see here:

1) His first 40 years was filled with anger, selfish ambition. He lived his life his own way. He had a hardened heart. Are we living like him today?

2) His next 40 years he was filled with self-examination after he knew the Lord. As a believer, once we come to Christ, we need to retrospect our lives every moment.

3) The last 40 years of his life he was ready to serve the Lord with utmost dedication and honesty. He was in the wilderness to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.

Today, are you fully committed to the Lord? Are you living for self or are you serving Him selflessly? It is a time for self-introspection.

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