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‘What happens when Jesus steps in your life!’ by Rev. B.N. Satpathy (Palm Sunday), 25th March, 2018

Rev. B.N. Satpathy preached from Mark 11:1-10. His theme was ‘What happens when Jesus steps into someone’s life!’

He stressed on the 4 main characters of Palm Sunday that day. They were Jesus Christ, His followers, the crowd and the Donkey.

On that day, the donkey was a key instrument in the ministry of Christ. There are basically two things that happen when Jesus steps into a life:

a). He/she would understand that God has a special plan for your life. When you come to Him in faith, He will untie/release you.
b). The Lord will make you humble and use you for His Glory.

He will redeem you and use you mightily. Do not be disheartened; come to Christ. He has chosen you. Remember, your life must be intuned with Jesus. He will make you His vessel of Glory.



  • Sudipta 26-03-2018


    • admin 27-03-2018

      God bless you

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