On this Resurrection Sunday (English Worship), we had Rev. Songram Keshari Singh sharing God’s Word from 2 Timothy 2:7-10, though the focus was solely on verse 8. The theme of the message was ‘Remember the Risen Savior’.
Let us dwell on the fact about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ:
1) The Resurrection of our Lord was a tangible proof that there is another life.
2) His Resurrection is a pledge that the body will surely live again, and rise to a superior condition.
3) The Resurrection of the Lord, according to the Scripture, was acceptance of His sacrifice.
4) His Resurrection was also a guarantee of His people’s resurrection.
5) Our Lord’s Resurrection is a fair picture of the new life which all believers already enjoy.
Take a listen. Be blessed in God’s Word. Because He Lives, we can face tomorrow.