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‘Lack of a Prayer Lifestyle’ by Mr. Sandeep Giri, (Prayer Week, Day – 3), 09-01-19

Mr. Sandeep Giri preached on the 3rd day of the Prayer Week (7-12 January 2019) from the book of Acts 4:23-30. The theme of his message was ‘The lack of a lifestyle of Prayer’. From this passage, we need to discover the 6 signs of a truly Prayer Church:

In a Praying Church, Prayer is the fundamental issue. In v.33: Grace is the Operational Word. This Grace is seen in 4 ways: a) Grace of Unity; b) Grace of Renunciation; c) Grace of Fellowship; d) Grace of Liberality.

1) There is a recognition of the supreme importance of prayer, and therefore there is a spontaneous desire.

2) The eyes of faith and expectancy are towards the Lord.

3) There is an overwhelming desire to obey the Lord’s Commission to evangelize the world.

4) There is a Faith to demand miracles.

5) The Holy Spirit manifests His Presence and Power.

6) There is mighty power in the Preaching of the Gospel.

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