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Events Scheduled in April 2020

Live Streaming of Weekly Worship on Youtube/cocbhubaneswar 

The situation arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic has disturbed our lifestyle. It has, in fact, affected life in every sphere. It is not easy to recall when was the last time we had to suspend church Sunday worship. But perhaps it has helped us to understand some home truths. The media has reported that churches have closed down in Odisha to ensure the spread of the disease is contained.

As we decided to suspend church worship till March 31 following request by the authorities  and realising the impact it will have in arresting the spread of the epidermic, a post by a brother succinctly brought out the truth. It read: ‘Churches are not being closed. Buildings are being closed. You are the church. You have to remain open.’ Since Lock down 2.0 has been extended till May 3, 2020, the church will be closed till further orders. We will be celebrating the Passion Week online thanks to our Pastoral team of Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani and Rev. Songram Keshari Singh who ministered God’s Word during this period online. We are extremely thankful to the Technical team of Deacon Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Mr. B. Arpan, Mr. Sanjay Samantaroy, Mr. Amit Nayak, Evg. Pratap Kumar Sahoo, Mr. Sovan Rout, and our Caretakers Mr. Sabhajan Pradhan and Mr. K.C. Digal for helping us in recording and streaming the messages online.


1Cor. 3:16 says: ‘Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?’
We all have the desire to have a nice church building with all necessary amenities where we can worship. But it is we who constitute the church. When the Lord will return to take his church with him, it is we believers who will go with him. Not the building. May be the Corona Virus will help us to understand this mystery. When we revert to technology to join the worship from our homes tomorrow we will do so as a church. What a wonderful privilege!








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