On the Resurrection Sunday afternoon Odia Online Worship Service, we have Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani sharing God’s Word from Luke 24:1-12. The theme of his message was ‘Do you truly know the Resurrected Christ?’ We need to understand what the Resurrection truly means to us today? Resurrection proves:
1) Jesus is the Son of God (John 10:17-18)
2) It verifies the Truth of the Scripture
3) It assures us of our own future Resurrection
4) About the future judgement
5) The basis of Christ’s Heavenly Priesthood
6) Gives believers the power to lead the Christian life
7) A victorious hope as Jesus has conquered sin and death.
Today, let us retrospect and ask ourselves: Do we know the Resurrected Christ? If yes, it is time to witness Him in this lost and dying world.