Water Baptism held on 3rd November, 2019
Brother Sandeep Pradhan was baptized in water on 3rd November here by Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani. He was inducted as member in the afternoon Odia Worship Service. Please uphold this young brother in your prayers.
World Sunday School observed on 3rd November, 2019
Like every year, the World Sunday School day was celebrated on 3rd November in the afternoon Odia Worship Service. Our Sunday school students performed during the Service. We thank the Sunday School Superintendent and the teachers for shaping the lives of many young ones spiritually. Please continue to uphold these precious children in your prayers.
Second Saturday Chain Prayer held on 9th November, 2019
The Chain Prayer was held in the church from 7 am to 12 noon on 9th November in the church. Many brothers and sisters came to the church to spend some time at the feet of the Lord. Thank you for being so kind in extending your valuable cooperation. God bless you all. Do join us again next month.
Annual Sports conducted by C.E. Union (12th November, 2019)
The annual sports day organized by the C.E. Union was held on 12th November, 2019 here in the church premises. Many children took part in this daylong event where competitions were held in various age-groups. A simple lunch was organized by the C.E. Union too. We praise God for the wonderful work conducted by our C.E. team.
Media Mission Special Evening by TWR held on 16th November, 2019
Trans World Radio (TWR) in association with the Church organized the Media Mission program on 16th November’ 2019 here. Bro. George Philip, CEO & Radio Speaker of TWR was the chief speaker. A little more than a 100 people attended this special evening meeting. Those who were there were richly blessed by God’s Word. Prizes were given to those who secured ranks in the National Level Bible Quiz Competition held in the month of October, 2019.
Silver Jubilee Celebrations by Mahila Samiti on 23-24 November, 2019
The Mahila Samiti celebrated their Silver Jubilee on November 23 and 24. On 23, they organized a Revival Meeting @ 6:30 pm where Rev. Niranjan Turuk was the speaker. On 24, they had their regular Mahila Sabha program in the Odia Worship @ 3:30 pm. Mahila Sabha President Ms. Sanjukta Sahu was the Speaker. It was a blessed time for the ladies who attended this program on both the days. A special video titled ‘Mahila Samiti – The years gone by’ was displayed on this occasion.