The C.E. Union celebrated the Local CE day from 28-30 May, 2017 here. It started with the Flag Hoisting Ceremony on 28th morning. In the evening, there was a Cultural Program where various wings of the church participated. On 29th and 30th evening, they conducted Special Revival Meeting where God’s servant Rev. Songram Keshari Singh was the Guest Speaker.
On the last evening, the CE Union honored some people for their Lifetime Acheivement Award towards their contributions to Union Church (CE Union Bhubaneswar) since 1972. They include:
1. Dr Satyananda Patra
2. Sis Smurtirekha Pradhan
3. Mr Binoy Kumar Muduli
4. Dr. B K Pramanik
The Winners of the Prem-Nalini Das Inter zonal Bible quiz competition were awarded too. The winners are:
a) Winner : Mizpha Zone
b) 1st Runners-Up : Emmaus Zone
c) 2nd Runners-Up : Bethel Zone and Sophia Zone
We thank the C.E. Union for conducting such a wonderful program for 3 days. Please keep them in your Prayers.
Sunday School conducted its Summer Camp in the Church from May 28-30, 2017. It started @ 7:30 am with Praise and Worship and used to end @ 10 am. The teachers helped the children to revise their courses; other activities included debate, music, recitation, testimony, drawing, coloring, skit, Bible quiz competition. Mr. F.K. Behera was the Programme Director and Mr. Malaya Basanta Das was the Camp Director. Both our Pastors ably assisted them in organizing the Camp smoothly. On 30th May, the Camp ended with a Love Feast for the children. Please Pray for our precious children as they learn God’s Word which will help them in good stead to face any challenges in this life.
The Prem Nalini Das Inter-zonal Bible Quiz Competition was held in the Church on 23rd May, 2017. It was conducted by the C.E. Union. Participants were from 12 Prayer zones. The quiz was based on the book of Daniel and Revelation. It was a great time of learning and knowing from this two major books of the Bible. The quiz was conducted by Mr. Sanjeeb Kumar Das. Both our Associate Pastors among others were present.
‘Thanda Pani‘ outlet has been opened outside the Church gate this morning. Both our Associate Pastors prayed for this noble cause before it was opened to the public. This kiosk will run through the summer season. The members of the C.E. Union will run it with the help of the Church. On the 1st two days, we had a great response from the passersby. May God be glorified through this. New Testaments are also given to the people who come to have a sip of the cold water. May they know the True Savior!
A mother comes once in a lifetime. She is an epitome of strength for the whole family. On occasion of the Mother’s Day, we Prayed for our precious mothers in both the Worship Service. In the English Service, Rev. Bijoy Kumar Das prayed and in the Odia Service, Associate Pastor Rev. Ayub Chhinchani offered prayers. Truly, mothers are a real blessing from the Lord.
Like last month, we had the Fasting Prayer in Church from 6 am till 12 noon on 13th May (2nd Saturday). Many came and attended this time of Prayer. We Prayed for various issues. There were slots given for different Prayer themes, but the primary focus was to join our hearts in Prayer. Both our Pastors were present to encourage those who came to be part of this Prayer movement. We thank them as well as all those who attended this 6-hour Prayer chain.
Like the previous 3 years, the Vacation Bible School (VBS) was held this year from 1st till 8th May, 2017. This year’s theme was ‘I am Willing‘ taken from 1 Chronicles 29:5. This year, we had Mr. Biren Kumar Pradhan as the Camp Director of VBS. Everyday, we had nearly 180 students in attendance. Rev. Asish Pradhan and Rev. Manas Mohan Roul from Scripture Union and CSSM were instrumental in helping our Church to conduct the Vacation Bible School.
On the 1st day, we had 173 students. As per the theme for this year, the 1st day was titled as ‘I am willing to Glorify God‘. Rev. Ayub Chhinchani took a small devotion for the teachers. There was class distribution on the opening day and the teachers were assigned their respective classes by the organizers. Rev. Asish led the Praise and Worship and gave a short exhortation from God’s Word to the children.
On the 2nd day, we had 183 students. The 1st day was titled as ‘I am willing to Change‘. Rev. Bichitrananda Satpathy took a small devotion for the teachers. Classes were in full swing as the teachers imparted God’s Word to the children. Rev. Asish led the Praise and Worship and gave a short exhortation from God’s Word to the children before the classes started.
On the 3rd day, we had 185 students. The 3rd day in VBS was titled as ‘I am willing to Believe‘. Mr. Sanjeeb Kumar Das took a small devotion for the teachers. Rev. Asish led the Praise and Worship and gave a short exhortation from God’s Word to the children. The 3rd day was observed as the ‘Day of Labor‘, which means the children would do some worthy work at home and bring their fruit of labor and give it to the teachers. This money would be given for the children in Nepal.
On the 4th day, we had 177 students. As per the theme for this year, the 4th day was titled as ‘I am willing to Make Disciples‘. Mr. Sandeep Kumar took a small devotion for the teachers. The 4th day was the ‘Day of Giving‘. Children brought the fruit of their labor and gave it to the teachers. It was announced by the organizers that day 5 would be observed as the day of Inspection.
On the 5th day, we had 188 students. As per the theme for this year, the 5th day was titled as ‘I am willing to Trust‘. Mr. Paresh Das took a small devotion for the teachers. Day 5 at VBS was observed as the Inspection day. There were special squads who were selected by the organizers. The children were asked basic questions of what they had learned during the first 4 days. Rev. Manas Mohan Roul was present too.
On the 6th day, we had 175 students. As per the theme for this year, the 6th day was titled as ‘I am willing to Surrender all‘. Mr. Ashim Das took a small devotion for the teachers. This day was basically used as a time of practice for the children, who were preparing to perform on the Convocation night on 8th May. On the evening of the 6th day, we had a love feast for the children. There was no VBS on Sunday.
On the last day, we had 181 students. As per this year’s theme, the last day was titled as ‘I am willing to Witness‘. Rev. Bichitrananda Satpathy took a small devotion for the teachers. After this, we had Prabhat Pheri, where the children from Beginners to Seniors had a procession inside the Church campus singing and praising God. Then there were quite a few wonderful testimonies shared by the children who had attended VBS – 2017. The remaining time was used by the children in preparation for the evening’s closing ceremony.
The Convocation Ceremony was a colorful one with the children performing in front of their parents and others. They showcased their talent and gave a brief display of the things learned at this year’s VBS. Dr. B.K. James was the Chief Guest for this Special evening. Among others were our Associate Pastors, Church Secretary and others from Scripture Union and CSSM. Awards and special gifts were given to the students and teachers. We Praise God for helping us to conduct Vacation Bible School – 2017. We also thank Scripture Union team for helping us to organize this fruitful event for the children. We thank the teachers for their untiring effort during this week long event. May God bless each one of the children and help them to shine for Christ in the dark world. Let us uphold our precious children in our Prayers.
Church Events in June 2017 22-06-2017
[…] meeting was planned to just encourage the teachers as they toiled hard to impart education during VBS – 2017. The focus should be on the students and not just on studies. The whole idea is to pray for them […]