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A Brand New Life

Jesus Christ HEALS

I praise and thank God for the Pastors, and all the members of Union Church for  praying for me and through their prayers, I am able to testify for the Lord.

It was a miracle that took place in my life on the 18th of August, 2016. On that day, I was at home and suddenly in the morning at 11.00 AM, I felt a severe pain on the left side of my chest which was unbearable and at the same time I started sweating. By the Grace of God, my son quickly took me to the hospital. Thereafter, I was taken to the operation theatre. Angiogram was done by the Doctor and found that the artery on the left side of the heart was fully blocked and the Doctor showed me the blockage on the monitor. The Doctor, then decided to fix a stent.

As the pain still persisted on the left side of the chest, I just closed my eyes and remembered the Cross of Calvary where the Son of God “JESUS” shed his precious blood for the remission of sins of the whole mankind. As the doctor was piercing the stent to remove the blockage, by faith, I just prayed to Jesus to touch me by His nail pierced hand and remove the blockage and let a drop of His precious blood flow through the artery. I praise God that instantly, He heard my prayer, touched and healed me. Praise the Lord. Our God is a God of miracles. He does miraculous works in the lives of His people. At the end, I once again thank all my brothers, sisters and elders who prayed for me.

Mr. Simadri Singh | Church of Christ (Union Church), Bhubaneswar


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