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“7 Words of Jesus on the Cross” by Rev. Subhash Dongerdive (Good Friday English), 14th April, 2017

Rev. Subhash Dongerdive spoke from Isaiah 53:1-5. His theme was ‘7 Words of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary’. They are:

1) Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing
2) Today, you will be with me in Paradise
3) Behold Thy mother
4) My God, My God why have you forsaken me!
5) I thirst. It was a Physical thirst more than anything
6) It is Finished. Work of Salvation is done once for all
7) Father, into your hands; I commit my Spirit.

Take this message of Jesus and share it to a lost & dying world.


  • Mary Han 22-04-2017

    My name is Mary Han. I’m from Hangzhou city in China. This is for the glory of God. This is about my son Joash. I had been Praying for his Salvation since the last 12 years. He was going far away from the Lord. Even after kneeling for him for so many years, my son never knew the Lord Jesus. He has benn working in a big firm and was a real atheist. On 16th April, 2017 on resurrection sunday, as I was browsing through facebook, I came across this page cocbhubaneswar. As I browsed through it, I saw one message preached in your church on Good Friday this year. It was about the ‘7 words of Jesus on the Cross’ preached by Rev. Subhash. I listendd to the message from beginning to end. In the middle, he spoke about mothers and spoke about mothers to have burden for the Gospel. He said, mothers don’t only pray for your son to be an engineer/doctor, but pray that he/she will be a missionary.

    It really touched me deeply as I had never prayed that way. I only prayed for my son’s salvation, but never that he will be used by the Lord. That day on, I prayed as the preacher said, trust me on 19th April, my son heard this message as I asked him to listen to it. After hearing this message, he came to me and said, mama Jesus died for my sins! Jesus loves me so much! For my sins, he went through all this pain and trauma. Mama, I want to coem to Jesus Christ. I was so thrilled at this. I prayed with him and thanked God for this miracle. I prayed and said, Lord joash is yours from today. Use him for your glory alone. Use him in places where no one has been used. My son said, mama; if my Jesus died for me, I want to dedicate my life to Him completely. I no longer want to live in sin. I am so grateful to your church for uploading this message as my son knew the Lord and gave his heart to Jesus Christ. God bless your church and use this site for his glory only.

  • My son returns to JESUS 25-04-2017

    […] through it, I saw one message preached in your church on Good Friday this year. It was about the ‘7 words of Jesus on the Cross’ preached by Rev. Subhash Dongerdive. I listened to the message from beginning to end. In the […]

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