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‘The real essence of Christmas’ by Er. Sandeep Kumar (8th December, 2019)

Er. Sandeep Kumar preached on the theme 'The real essence of Christmas' from Luke 2:8-20. There are 5 things we need to see why Jesus is the Reaso

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‘Defining God’s glory and its dimensions’ by Mr. Chinmoy Muduli (8th December, 2019)

Mr. Chinmoy Muduli preached on the theme 'Defining God's glory and its dimensions' from John 11:1-6. There are 3 dimensions we need to look at whi

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The Gold Wrapping Paper – An Inspirational Christmas story

This inspirational story is so appropriate for this time of the year, when we are filled with thoughts of love and giving for our family, friends

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Feed on God’s Word daily

Matthew 4:4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of

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‘What God thinks of His church!’ by Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani (1st December, 2019)

Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani preached on the theme 'What God thinks of His church!' from the book Song of Songs. Here the Lord wants His people to pre

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‘Jesus is always faithful’ by Rev. Songram Keshari Singh (1st December, 2019)

Rev. Songram Keshari Singh preached on the theme 'Jesus is always faithful' from John 6:15-21. This is a continuation of the miracles series of Je

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Inspiring & Motivational Quotes (December 2019)

2nd December 6th December 9th December 13th December 16th December 20th December 2

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