On 24th January, 2016; by the Grace of God, we launched the Church app for Android phone users. The app will be available for Windows and IOS phone users very soon. Mr. Samaresh Bisoi (CEO of AllyTrek Digital Agency) was present on the occasion. He is the Creator of our Church website and this app too. The name of our Church app is: Union Church Bhubaneswar. You can download it from your Android smart phone in the Google Playstore by typing the name of the app: Union Church Bhubaneswar. Mr. Sandeep Kumar (Church Board member & Admin of cocbhubaneswar.org) was present too. He along with Samaresh launched this app. Samaresh guided the Worshippers as how to use this app and the key features of this app. Our Church Secretary, Mr. Paresh Das, Associate Pastors Rev. Ayub Chhinchani and Rev. B.N. Satpathy were present too. Rev. B.N. Satpathy Prayed for this app launch in the English Service and Rev. Ayub Chhinchani Prayed for it in the afternoon Odia Service. Do Pray that this app will be used for the Glory of God. Pray that many lives would be touched and souls saved through the messages uploaded on the app. Today is really a historic and glorious day for our Church because We are the 1st Church in whole of Odisha and among the very few Church/Christian organizations across India that has got a Church app. All Glory and honor be to God alone. You can get the following features once you download this app on your Android mobile handsets:
a). About Who we are!
b). Weekly and Latest Church News (Updates).
c). Latest Sermons preached every Sunday in the English & Odia Services.
d). Latest Photos of various events.
e). Church Activities; which will link you directly to the Website.
f). Plus, there will be links to Facebook; Audio Sermons & Videos on Youtube; connect to the Website cocbhubaneswar.org; Twitter page; Contact persons page.
Please do invite your friends & relatives to download our app and stay Blessed. Do give your reviews in the Google Playstore app page as you download the app and rate our app. Do visit our Website for extensive coverage on Church of Christ (Union Church), Bhubaneswar. Like us on facebook by visiting our page: facebook.com/cocbhubaneswar. God Bless you all.