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Undivided Puri district C.E. Union Retreat (07-07-16)

Undivided Puri district C.E. Union Retreat

The Undivided Puri district whole day Retreat was organized by our local C.E. Union in Church on 7th July, 2016. The Theme verse was 2 Timothy 2:22, “to flee from youthful lusts and desires…”


Mr. Sudhir Kumar Barik was the Resource person for this Retreat where nearly 300 delegates attended the Retreat. Brother Barik shared on being away from all these worldly desires and be used by the Lord. Both our Associate Pastors were there. Among others were prominent CE leaders of Undivided Puri district were present too.

There were various competitions held and everyone had a great time of fellowship. Lunch was provided and the Retreat ended around 5 pm. All in all, it was a Blessed time for those who were present. We thank our local CE Union for working hard in conducting this Retreat. God Bless them and use them for His glory alone.



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