The Sunday School Summer camp started this year on 29th May and it ended on 31st May. The classes were held from morning 7-10 am. Nearly 70 students were in attendance on each of the 3 days. The Sunday School Superintendent and other noted Sunday School members were present. Both our Associate Pastors were there to encourage the teachers and the students.
The children were given valuable lessons on the 3 days; with the inspection being held on the 3rd day. On the evening of the 3rd day, prizes were awarded to students for their wonderful performances and then there was a love feast in the Church for them, where they brought some stuff from their homes and shared with their friends. All in all it was a Blessed time for everyone.
We personally want to thank the teachers for imparting valuable lessons to the children and also thank the parents for sending in their children for this summer camp. May the Lord bless our children more and more as they grow in the fear of the Lord.