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Sunday School Annual Retreat (05-09-16)

Sunday School Annual Retreat (05-09-16)


The Sunday School Annual Retreat was held on 5th September, 2016; which incidently is celebrated as Teacher’s day in schools. The Retreat began @ 9:30 am. The Registration fees for Beginner, Primary and Junior was fixed @ Rs. 30/- only and for Intermediate and Seniors, it was Rs. 40/- only. We had nearly 80 children who attended this Retreat in the main Church.

A Retreat for the Sunday school children attending the C.S. Pur Worship center was held in that area the same day and  same time. There were about 25 children in who attended the Retreat  over there. Rev. Bathuel Bardhan shared God’s Word in Union Church and Rev. Ayub Chhinchani, our Associate Pastor shared God’s Word in C.S. Pur Worship center. After the Devotional message, there was a Bible quiz conducted by sisters Amutha Grace Whitson and Premlata Franklin; it was followed by a stretch break.

After this break, Rev. B.N. Satpathy, Associate Pastor led a session on Story-telling and few of the children came forward and shared stories from God’s Word. After this, there was a debate competition conducted by sister Ellen Pramanik; both our Pastors were judges in this event. After this event, the children had a nice, yummy lunch and after this there was a singing competition. Finally, the Retreat ended with a Word of Prayer by Rev. B.N. Satpathy.

The Sunday school Superintendent and other senior Sunday school members and teachers were present that day. In the C.S. Pur Worship center too; after the message by our Pastor, there were some craft and drawing contest; Worship and the children were given a wonderful lunch too. We Praise God for our Sunday school children. May the Lord guide them and bless them to come up as good citizens in life living a noble life in the Lord. We thank the Church for conducting this Retreat.



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