Who do you say Lord Jesus is? Your response to Him will determine not only your values and lifestyle but your eternal destiny as well.
Some thought He was a wise man or a great prophet. Others thought He was a madman. Still others couldn’t decide or didn’t care. Some are content to think of Him as a great moral teacher. Even His enemies understood His claims to deity. That’s why they tried to stone Him to death and eventually had Him crucified. The world calendar and the BC/AD dating system hang on the birth of Lord Jesus Christ. He is indeed a man of History! Jesus is more than a historical figure or a great teacher who once lived.
Jesus is the epitome of revolutionary love, heavenly forgiveness and divine power!
His stint on Earth was packed with miracles, the greatest of which were his own birth and resurrection. The novelty of these events has surpassed the test of time, and buried every pallbearer who attempted to disprove the divinity of Jesus.
His many miracles on Earth were a speck in comparison to his ultimate mission, which he accomplished on the cross, in the grave and on the day on resurrection. The blood, shed by Jesus on the cross is our only hope for forgiveness.
He conquered death so that we might live. We don’t have to earn His love and salvation, it’s a free gift available to all who believe. Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with us. All we have to do is receive it by faith, and come to Him the way we are.
C.S Lewis, a great novelist says, “The things that He says are very different from what any other teacher or guru or God men have ever said in history. Others have said, “ This is the way you ought to go, this is the truth about yourselves but Lord Jesus says, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” He says, “No man can reach absolute reality, except through Me. Come to Me everyone who is carrying a heavy load, I will set that right. Your sins are wiped out, I can do that, I am Life. And finally, do not be afraid, I have overcome the whole universe.”