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New Church Board Dedicated (01-05-16)

Dedication Service (New Church Board 2016-19)

The New Church Board was selected in a General Body Meeting of the Church on 20th April, 2016 @ 7 pm. The office bearers were selected on 27th April, 2016. They were dedicated into Service from 1st May, 2016. They will be in office till 30th April, 2019. They were dedicated in Sunday Worship Services (English & Odia). In the English Service, they were dedicated and in the afternoon Odia Service, they were given oaths by the Pastor as to what their role will be in serving the Body of Christ for the next 3 years. We had in all 12 Deacons and 3 Lady Deacons from the various Prayer zones. These are the names of the Church Board members:

1). Mr. Paresh Das (Secretary)

2). Dr. Happy Born Nayak (Joint-Secretary)

3). Mr. Purnananda Pradhan (B) (Treasurer)

4). Mr. Santanu Kumar Rout

5). Rev. Bijoy Das

6). Mr. Gokul Chandra Pradhan

7). Mr. Amos Pradhan

8). Mr. Sandeep Kumar

9). Mr. Pravat Kumar Chand

10). Mr. Bibhuti Ranjan Sen

11). Mr. Michael Rajesh Behera

12). Dr. Anup Samantaray

13). Ms. Madhuleeta Samantaray

14). Ms. Anita Nayak

15). Ms. Minakhi Rout

Before the dedication of the New Church Board took place, as a token of their sincere service to the Church, the existing Church Board (Old Board) were prayed for by the Pastors. Both the existing and the New Board members were given a towel as a token of their love and appreciation. May the Lord continue to bless the New Board members in leading and guiding the Church. Keep Praying for them.


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