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Dedications in Church

In our Church, the child dedication is done usually in the 3rd week of the month. It is conducted by our Associate Pastors, Rev. Ayub Chhinchani/Rev. B.N. Satpathy. Here is the list…

1) Mr. Sanjay Samantaroy and his wife Ms. Amrita Nayak Samantaroy dedicated their baby girl Bernice Samantaroy in the afternoon Odia Worship Service on 19th March, 2017. Let us uphold this baby girl in our Prayers as she grows in the fear of the Lord.

Baby girl Bernice was dedicated on 19th March, 2017

2) Mr. Sanjip Kumar Nayak and his wife Madhusmita Sahoo dedicated their child Pijnas Kumar Nayak in the afternoon Odia Worship Service on 21st August, 2016. Let us uphold this baby in our Prayers as he grows in the fear of the Lord.

Baby Pijnas dedicated on 21st August, 2016

3) A little child (baby boy) was dedicated in Church during the Odia Worship Service on 7th August, 2016. Please uphold this little boy in your Prayers as he continues to grow in this world in the fear of the Lord everyday.

A baby boy was dedicated on 7th August, 2016

4) A little girl child was dedicated on 12th June by Rev. Ayub Chhinchani, our Associate Pastor. The child’s name is “Salma Mandi”. She is the daughter of bro. Sudeep Mandi and his wife. Please uphold this little baby in your Prayers as she grows in this world with the fear of the Lord.

Salma Mandi dedicated on 12th June, 2016

5) Ridith, grandson of Mr. Binoy Kumar Muduli was dedicated on 27th December, 2015 in the Morning Worship Service. His parents Tanmay Muduli and his wife decided to dedicate him on this day. Rev. B.N. Satpathy conducted the Dedication process.

Little Ridith dedicated on 27th December, 2015

6) A baby girl (S.M. Eliana), daughter of Mr. Samuel Mrutyunjaya was dedicated in our Church by Rev. Ayub Chhinchani, our Associate Pastor. Let’s keep the baby girl in our personal Prayers too as she grows in the fear of the Lord.

Salma Mandi dedicated on 12th June, 2016

7) The baby boy of Ashok Mohanty and his wife Pakhi Mohanty (Anupam Subhasish Mohanty) was dedicated. Let’s continue to uphold the little one in our Prayers as he continues to grow in this world in the fear of the Lord.

Little Anupam dedicated on 19th April, 2015



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