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Sunday School | CHRISTMAS | Part – 5 | ବଡଦିନ (ଭାଗ-୫) | Precious Children | Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani | 20-12-2020

Online Sunday School

Sunday School | CHRISTMAS | Part – 5 | ବଡଦିନ (ଭାଗ-୫) | Precious Children | Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani | 20-12-2020

#cocucworshipfromhome​ #sundayschool​ #children

As we are slowly moving towards the Christmas Season which is round the corner; COCUC is starting a new series ‘CHRISTMAS‘, ବଡଦିନ | Let us truly understand the real reason for the season. In this 5th episode, Rev. Sandeep Kumar Giri is sharing God’s Word for our precious children.


Please do encourage your children to watch this special series on Christmas.


Rev. Sandeep Kumar GiriASSOCIATE PASTOR

Rev. Sandeep Kumar Giri is the Associate Pastor (Youth & Missions) of Church of Christ (Union Church), Bhubaneswar


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