#cocucworshipfromhome #EldersFellowship #PrayerOfTheElderly
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. (2 Corinthians 4:16).
As you are aware, our church has been organizing a special program for the elderly on October 2 to celebrate the international day for the elderly which falls on October 1. It has generated huge interest among the senior citizens as they get a rare opportunity of fellowship on this day. This year the program cannot be held due to the pandemic. But arrangements have been made to have it on-line.
On this Special Online Program, Rev. Songram K. Singh is sharing God’s Word on the theme ‘Prayer of the Elderly’ from Psalm 71:9. The Lord’s Supper will be held after the worship. We hope and pray this program will encourage you, inspire you and comfort you during this difficult times.
|| Special Thanks ||
Church Board (COCUC)
Pastoral Team (COCUC)
Rev. Dr. Ayub Chhinchani (Presiding)
Rev. Songram K. Singh (Speaker)
Priyanka Digal (Anchorperson)
Sanjog Samantaray (Anchorperson)
|| Post Production Team ||
Sovan Gourav Rout
Jeet Ranjan
Sanjog Samantaray
Vinod Mohanty
Priyanka Digal
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